
Friday, April 13, 2012

Photo Friday: Making of the Globe Cake

Two weeks ago I made a cake unlike any I've made before. It was a globe cake for a 90th birthday celebration and the first round cake I've created. I think it consisted of five layers of cake with raspberry buttercream between each. Then I covered the entire thing in buttercream.

Next, I rolled out the fondant, which I wanted to look a bit like water. Fondant comes in a block, which I then dye with special food dye gel and roll flat.

Once the blue fondant was on the cake, I needed to place the continents. This was the most time consuming part. I pinned the papers into place and drew outlines to get an idea of exactly how they would fit in the end.

After I had the continent outlines on paper, I cut them into green fondant, attaching them temporarily with pins and then permanently with water.

Finally, I added all the little details. I made an airplane for the top and a banner to fly behind it. I also painted and highlighted the continents.

This was one fun cake to make!

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