
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pleading for Prayer

My dear friends,

Today I'm pleading for your prayers. I've mentioned Ella's friend, Ava, many times in the past and have posted pictures of the two of them playing, making cake, washing dishes, and coloring together. Last fall, Ava came to our house to play every Tuesday and Ella spent every Wednesday at Ava's. The girls adore one another. Please join with Ella in praying for her amazingly sweet little friend.

It was discovered through an MRI last Thursday morning that Ava has a tumor growing at the base of her brain. It is in a very difficult place to reach through surgery, so all options are being investigated before moving forward. Ava and her mom, dad, and baby brother are in Minneapolis all week for meetings and tests and a possible surgery later in the week. This is a very scary time for all of them, as it's hard to know where all of this will lead. They continue to trust in Jesus and his direction in their lives, but it doesn't make this an easy road to travel.

My heart breaks for Jeff & Janell, Ava's parents. Janell is a dear friend of mine. As a mother, I can't imagine what this is like for her. I've cried thinking of the fear of the unknown that they are facing. And I'm so very thankful for a heavenly Father who brings comfort in such circumstances, even when we don't even know how to ask for his peace.

We visited Ava & Janell on Friday so the girls could play and be distracted from the scariness surrounding all of this. When it was nearing time to leave, we told the girls we wanted to take a picture. This is what we got.

Ava & Ella
Two year-olds express love so purely.

Please, please pray with us for complete healing in Ava's entire body.

the 2 & 3 year old praying for Ava at church this weekend
If you'd like to follow Ava's Caring Bridge page, you can find it here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness, Angie- the Toftnesses will be praying for this family!


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