
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ava's Surgery

Ella's friend Ava is currently in the middle of a full day of surgery to remove the tumor at the base of her brain. She started the day with an MRI at 5am and surgery began at 7:30. It's expected to take 10-12 hours to complete the whole thing. Please, please pray with us for a miracle. We truly believe that Jesus knows the ins and outs of his little Ava and has a very special plan and purpose for her.

butterfly kites!
Ella & Ava got to play a lot in the last week. It was such a joy to watch them run and laugh and dance together. On Saturday Pete & I had a picnic with Ella & Ava and then flew kites at the park. Such fun!

Ella & Ava
 I'll keep you posted on Ava's progress following the surgery. In the meantime, please, please, please pray.


  1. We've been praying for this family, Angie. Thanks for the update- what a big day for such a little gal! May Jesus' hand be on her and on the hands of the surgeons.

  2. Thank you, Liz! That really means a lot.

  3. Just saw this post, so its past her surgery now, but praying for little Ava. I cannot imagine the heartache their family is walking through, but how wonderful that we serve a God that is abundantly faithful!


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