
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Goodbye Med School

This is my last day as the wife of a med student. Tomorrow at 9am Pete will walk across the stage of the Northrop Auditorium and graduate. I am incredibly happy for him. He has worked so hard through the last four years and for many years before that. It's amazing to see him continue on the journey that he knows God has set before him.

A couple years ago, my friend Ky found this shirt for me at a thrift store. How appropriate. I've always wondered who else would wear such a shirt. I mean, they were sold at Abercrombie. Did high school girls seriously wear them? I'm just glad I had it to pull out at random times through the past few years.


  1. Yay! Congrats to Pete! LOVE the shirt, by the way. :)

  2. It was an honor for us to be in attendance at the graduation! No doubt the past few years will seem to have gone by quickly you will find that the coming years will continue to move past rapidly. Pete, take time to share special moments with your girls and it will an amazing time. -


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