
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Week In Review

I admit, I'm still a bit exhausted after the week that has passed. Even the thought of writing about everything we've done in the seven days seems daunting. It was all very exciting, though, so it's still fun to share it. Besides, it's good to think through everything that happened. I'll try to create a summary of the week's excitement.

Let's begin one week ago. We spent last Wednesday packing, packing & packing. It is our dream that this will be a more organized move than any we've done before. I have no question we'll beat our last move, since Ella was only 6 days old. (Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Olsen, we did actually move!) We've already sorted through just about everything and have taken multiple boxes to Good Will. (I've tried not to go in during the drop-offs to avoid adding more to our packing.) Now we're just putting everything in boxes. The only trick is that we're going on our first family trip a week from today, so we're trying to keep things separate that we want to have on the trip. Oi. It's a lot to think about.

Thursday we got ready for Pete's graduation before catching a taxi with Mike & Jen and heading downtown to Kieran's Pub. The 4th year med class from Duluth was gathering for one last time as medical students. Ella got to spend the evening with Grandma & Grandpa Olsen, her aunts Kristin & Kathryn, and Pete's aunt Pat. Ella always loves getting to play with everyone. And it definitely wears her out!

Friday morning at 7am we headed to Northrop Auditorium on the U of MN campus (just a few blocks from our apartment, actually). We got our seats at 8 and were on our feet when the graduates entered at 9am. I admit that I was quite emotional during the ceremony. I just can't believe that we've made it to the end of 4 years already. So much has happened through that time. I do want to spend more time reflecting on all that it means to reach this point, but now is not the time. I wouldn't be summarizing! Therefore, in continuing on my summary path, the ceremony concluded at 11:15am, we took a few pictures, passed Ella around, and headed back to the apartment for Famous Dave's and cake. It was a day to celebrate DR. OLSEN! I'm so proud of you, Love.

Saturday morning, after a quick trip to St Paul for a hair trim (a relaxing intermission in the non-stop weekend) we headed north to Pequot Lakes for my 10 year high school reunion. Pete, Ella & I met up with my high school friends at a park to start the festivities. I was a little nervous about seeing everyone again, although Facebook has completely changed the whole concept of a reunion. After our time at the park (and yes, I used Ella as an ice-breaker when talking to other moms), we drove to Grandma & Grandpa Scott's where Ella spent the evening playing with her cousin, Malena, and helping Grandma celebrate her birthday. Pete & I headed to a pizza place/bar for the rest of the reunion. It was a lot of fun to reconnect with people and to introduce them to Pete.

To celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday, we went to Wadena to visit my grandma. We got to tour her new townhouse, which just happens to be right across the street from the playground we often played when visiting my grandparents when I was little. It was the perfect time to let Ella try out her very first ride on a swing. She loved it! She spent a long time swinging next to Malena before going down the slide a few times. It was a very fun way to spend my first Mother's Day.

On Monday we were supposed to close on our new house in Duluth, but something popped up, pushing the closing back a day. Instead we had another day to pack.

Tuesday we closed! We are thrilled to be the owners of an adorable colonial-style home in East Duluth. We will be moving on Saturday, giving us just two more days of packing. I have an idea that it will be a push to be ready, but I think we'll be just fine in the end.

So that's the summary! I'll try to post pictures over the next few days, so stay tuned...

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