
Friday, April 30, 2010

Doctor Visit

In our family, a doctor visit for Ella isn't a quick check-up. For one thing, we're still going to Owatonna to visit the pediatrician. Pete developed a great relationship with "Dr Bob" while he was working there last year, and we've enjoyed seeing lots of other doctors and nurses during each trip down. That's the second thing. With trying to check in with so many friends, the check-up trips tend to last a good part of the day.

On this particular visit we had the opportunity to tour the brand new hospital and clinic. Gorgeous! I particularly enjoyed all of the beautiful artwork they've displayed. They also included tile work in many patient rooms. It's a pretty amazing place.

So, updates on Ella. This was her nine month check-up, but we didn't make it down until right after she turned ten months. Oh well. Our little peanut is a full 29 inches long and weighs 19 pounds 4 ounces. Silly me thought she was definitely over 20 pounds. Either way, she gives me a good arm workout numerous times a day. She still loves to eat and is venturing out into the world of "real" food a little more each week.

We're heading out for a couple days. Today we'll visit some of Pete's past professors at St Olaf on our way down to Owatonna. I'm running a half-marathon there tomorrow morning. I've got some spiffy new shoes and will load on the carbs at a spaghetti dinner tonight. The race will benefit two families in our old town. One includes a father battling a blood disease and the other will benefit a little guy in first grade who has leukemia. As I'm running on Saturday, please be praying for both of the families. I can't imagine fighting those kinds of battles. I'll be sure to post pics of the race next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

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