It's true! One very special little girl in our house is going to be a big sister! Our little one is due June 2, just three weeks before Ella will turn three.
Miss Ella taking practicing for her role as big sister |
Yes, I've known about the new baby for quite some time. Actually, we found on on my 30th birthday. What a birthday present! We decided to wait until Thanksgiving to start sharing the news since that marked 13 weeks. Pete had the holiday week off, so we were able to travel to both sides of our family. My family had already figured it out. I blame that on the fact that I see my brother and sister so often. They quickly picked up on the changes in my clothes and eating habits. Pete's family, on the other hand, doesn't see us in person as often, though we do try to Skype whenever possible. They had a much better reaction than my family (no offense, Scotts). I have to say that it's a relief not to have to keep the little bump hidden any longer. I was running out of shirt options!
It was a bit of a rough first trimester, especially compared to my pregnancy with Ella. My constant nausea made it quite difficult to do school work. Forget housework. I threw that out the window by week five. But at least I can say I ran a marathon pregnant. The wee one traveled the 26.2 miles with me on October 2. Yes, I knew I was pregnant, but the sickness hadn't fully set in yet, so it was manageable. The feelings of yuckiness is also why I haven't been very good at posting on the blog the past couple months. I'll try to do better.
And now I'm tired. That's common too. More updates to come!