
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Summer Photos

We've been having a great summer, but the best is still to come! Next week, we'll be enjoying a staycation in our fine city. We'll be doing all kinds of fun things around Duluth and I hope to post at least a few photos every night. Do you think I can do it? I'm certainly going to try! Check back to see daily updates!

In the meantime, here's a warm up of a few photos from recent summer days.

Oh, this boy.

Sammy watching his first whole cartoon - Backyardigans

first Freeze Pop

loving being outside

Proof that I can grow things!!

Ella did great at her 4 year check up

hanging out with Uncle Jake while visiting Great Grandma (& my bracelet on his ankle)

We love Great Grandma! (and Auntie Valerie on the left!)

he adores his daddy


playing in the grass

1 comment:

  1. I am so pleased that Pete has shared his family with me. The joy of your family fills my heart and gives me so much hope. I will follow your family's adventures with excitement as your lives give to the Earth the gift of your presence. Thank you.


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