
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Pequot 4th of July

My dear friends, I know I haven't been great this month about posting. You know how it gets in the summer. Busy, busy, busy! And I love it. We've been out and about a whole lot this month, so I hope to get lots posted in the next few weeks.

First, here are a few photos from our fourth of July. Pete had his first ER shift in Cloquet that very day, so I took the kids to Pequot Lakes to celebrate with my parents. We hit up the parade, spent lots of time outside, and then enjoyed a nearby beach the next day. Such fun!

Ella was thrilled to have her first bus ride as we shuttled from the school parking lot to the parade route.

I was actually just as thrilled that her first ride was on a Pequot bus.

We call this 'The Store.' That's what happens when you live in a  small town and a new store goes in. No need to explain which store when it's pretty much one of a kind. I left the kids with my parents to make a quick trip there, telling them I was only going to pick up one thing. Well, the store ended up being a lot bigger than I remembered. I was there an hour and left with some great finds.

Dinner on the deck of my parents' house, overlooking their beautiful 40 acres in the country.

We always take an after-dinner walk "around the block."

Being at Nana & Papa's makes a boy tired!

I caught a few fun pictures of Ella during a road side potty stop.

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