
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A So Happy Sick Day

Dear Ella was up all night with a stomach bug. I felt terrible for her. It started at the exact moment that Pete & I walked in the door from our weekly Tuesday date night. Our sitter hadn't even made it up to her room yet. The poor girl was up with Daddy every 15 minutes through the night. She was exhausted this morning but had had enough of her bed, so we hung out on the living room couch after Pete went to work. That was where she said the sweetest thing. After coughing over a bucket, she looked up at me with red, teary eyes and said in a weak voice, "So happy," and smiled a wee little smile. Melt my heart. She has such an uplifting attitude, even when sick. I rubbed her back and turned on Sesame Street. And that was pretty much how the rest of our day went. Movies and cuddles.

I have to take a moment to say that I have one incredible husband. You did read correctly that he was up all night with her. This was after a full day of morning rounds and afternoon clinic, right before beginning a 24-hour call shift this morning. He let me sleep in our big, cozy bed while he cuddled with our sick girly. What a man. Really. What a man.

1 comment:

  1. Aww that's so sad she's been so sick! What a sweetie, though. And with a great daddy!


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