
Monday, January 30, 2012

If I Could Buy You A Gift: Book

Do you ever run into something that you wish you could buy for every one of your friends? Maybe all your girl friends or mom friends or married friends or college friends. I feel like I have an entire list of such things from books to jewelry to house hold goods. If I had the money to do it, I would. I often feel like sending notes to friends saying, "If I had the money, this would be so perfect for you!" But is that odd? It's the thought that counts, right? Sometimes, anyway.

book cover

 Today, if I could buy a gift for all of my mom friends, it would be The Coffee Mom's Devotional by Celeste Palermo. It has quick little devotionals throughout the book that aren't cheesy. I feel like so many of the devo books I find are a little beyond my cheese taste, but this one is great. I often laugh out loud while reading it. I have to admit that when I first ordered the book (found on the Vineyard Women's recommended book list) Ella was pretty little and the mom connections didn't make all that much sense in my new-mom status. As time has progressed, though, I understand so much more of the mom issues she brings up. It really is relaxing to read it and feel like I'm connecting with other moms and Jesus at the same time. So yes, if I could buy you a gift today, this would be it.

To snag a copy for yourself (which you could either read over & over or read & lend to another mom friend) check out these spots:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for recommending this book! I got it as a gift & wasn't super thrilled due to the title & typically cheesy-ness of such titles, but I am going to give it a whirl! Thanks Ang :)


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