
Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Eggs

What is blue and white and stains little lips? Ella's first Easter egg! Ok, I had no idea it would stain her lips when I let her play with it. Lesson learned.
Last weekend we took a road trip down to Iowa City to visit our good friends, Erik & Kristin. We were thrilled to meet their little Niklaas for the first time! While we were there we decided it would be an ideal time to dye eggs after the little ones went to bed. Beth, Brian, Erik, Kristin & I pulled out our creativity and went to work. An hour or two later, we had an entire plate covered with colorful creations. Stripes, polka dots, squiggles and squares. Kristin had one with an N for Niklaas, I made one with Ella's name in white crayon, and Beth had a special John Deere egg for Brian. You can see a few of them in the photo below.
The next morning at breakfast, I thought it would be fun to take a picture of Ella holding her little egg. That's how the blue lips happened. I had no idea it would come off the shell so easily. At least it matched her eyes!
Next year maybe we'll let Ella dye her own egg. That sounds like an adventure.

ella's very own easter egg
our artistic creation
if you let a little one hold their own egg...
they may end up with colorful lips!

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