
Friday, April 9, 2010

Baby Niklaas

When we were in Iowa two weekends ago, we were introduced to little baby Niklaas. Niklaas was seven weeks old during our visit. Ella thought he was great, although I do think she was hoping he would play a little more with her. Maybe next time, El.

We all went to a great little cafe for lunch one afternoon on our trip. It wasn't intentional that we matched, but it made a cute picture! We even have matching smiles. Oh, I'm crazy about our little girl. (Note the bunny on her shirt in honor of the upcoming Easter holiday.)

One of Ella's favorite games continues to be peek-a-boo. She'll play with just about anything. Here she was ducking behind the coffee table and popping up. She did this over and over. Pretty cute!

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the picture of you girlies together! So pretty!


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