
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk 2013

For the second year in a row, Sammy's Superheroes made a rollicking appearance at the Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk in Duluth! What a time we had! Clark Kent, Spider Man, Captain America, and The Incredibles were all in attendance along with many other caped and masked crusaders.

 This year we were sure to arrive early enough to stake out a table in the convention center to create a sort of home base for the day. Being our second time attending the walk, we were better equipped and knew what to expect. That also happened to mean I provided nourishment to all our superheroes in the form of ... cupcakes. What else were you expecting?


I wouldn't want these two getting hungry.

Bring on the buttercream frosting! We gotta keep those muscles fueled!

My entire family was in attendance for the walk this year, including my little sister, Jenny, and her kiddos. Malena the Superhero successfully photo bombed the family pic. Probably the cutest photo bomb you can find! 

Pete & Papa Scott, both sporting their capes.

After taking in the bouncy houses and dancing, we headed outside for a few photos before the actual walk began. Sam & Caleb have a very similar photo from last year. They are so much bigger now!

Apparently they needed to discuss a little superhero business.

Super Daddy's & their boys. This is Sam's little buddy, Cody. Cody is four months old and has Down syndrome, too. Aren't they beyond cute?! It's going to be fun to watch them grow together over the next couple years.

A little sibling superhero action.

After photos, it was time to hit the pavement. The walk isn't long, but it gets the attention of a whole lot of people in Canal Park and offers an opportunity for us to see how incredible the Down syndrome community is in Duluth. The weather was absolutely perfect!

The strength of these superheroes is incredible. There they are, lifting the bridge. Amazing.

Wonder Woman Amber & her superhero sidekick!

Auntie Becky and our favorite little superhero.

Oh that Nana. She's so silly.

Pete with Malena at the end of the canal.

Auntie Jenny and Sammy baby.

And Uncle Jake. 

It was exciting to have a ship pass through the canal while we were all out walking, but I think Sam was beginning to long for a nap.

Not Caleb, though! He was contemplating his next superhero strategies.

What a day it was. So many people along the shore following the walk to celebrate the gorgeous fall weather, being together, and most of all, the incredible ways our lives have all been touched by Down syndrome. I still say it was nothing I ever thought would be such an enormous part of my life, but I am so blessed to belong to the community of families and friends who love someone with a beautiful extra chromosome.

Papa and Sammy had one last superhero chat before the end of the day. No doubt planning their next crime-fighting rendezvous.


We want to say a very heart-felt thank you to everyone who participated on Sammy's team this year for the Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk. It's not possible to appropriately express through this simple writing how grateful we are to have friends who care so much about our Samuel and the life he gets to live. Many of you gave financially, others attended the walk, donated items to the yard sale, or sent good wishes and prayers for the walk. Each and every gesture is noticed and deeply appreciated. Together we were able to raise $1,033 for our team, exceeding our goal of $1,000. Thank you for being on this journey with us.

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