
Monday, September 16, 2013

Bayfield Vacation

Today I write from a little hotel in Bayfield, Wisconsin. I was almost afraid to pull out my computer when we got here. The last time I was sitting in this very place, I was writing and writing and writing, but the content was far different than this. It was here, all the way back in April, that I spent four consecutive days working on my grad thesis. This visit is far different.

While I was here, surrounded by mounds of snow in April, I chatted with the manager about why I was visiting. She mentioned it to the owner of the property who had spoken with Pete when he was here in March to study for his family medicine boards. Just before checking out, an envelope was delivered to my door with a certificate for two nights at the hotel in September. So now we're here, together, with the kids. It's a beautiful way to celebrate what we've accomplished in the last year.

We arrived in town late yesterday afternoon, just in time to fire up the grill to make burgers and yams. After the kids were tucked into bed, Pete and I stayed up late watching Netflix together, catching up on shows we haven't had a chance to see in a long time.

After a quiet morning, we headed into town to our favorite cafe here, Big Water Coffee Roasters. The shop is owned by friends of ours, Danielle & Jon Ewalt. It's been fun to see the shop grow and change over the last few years. They have such a great eye for quality and have beautiful character in their space. If you're ever in Bayfield, definitely stop in!

We have countless pictures with this little guy over the last seven or eight years.

We stopped in at the used book shop. I bought Ella the first chapter book we're going to read together - Little House on the Prairie. We read the first chapter before nap time this afternoon. We'll keep working on listening to a book without pictures. I like knowing it will help develop her imagination.

Little man is so cool in Daddy's shades. He fell asleep right after this. 

 We love any time we can get in Bayfield. It's especially nice right now since there aren't any crowds for Apple Fest or summer visitors. Town was pretty quiet today. Such a treat.


A few weeks ago, we went to the annual Johnson Family Pig Roast. I've lost track of how many years it's been since it started. More than 15. My aunt and uncle put it on at their house every August and invite friends and family to eat & swim & sing crazy karaoke. Here are a few pictures from the afternoon.

My mom with Sammy, the little water baby

Ella with my cousin Alex

Mr Blue Eyes

Ella really loves my grandma. That makes me very happy.


Today it's in the 50s. Fall is here!


  1. Great post! Looks like you guys are doing a great job soaking up the last bits of summer before the big season change! ~ Matt

  2. Lovely! I absolutely loooove Bayfield. I have such fond memories of going there with my Grandma for Apple Fest & throughout my adult life would sneak away to Bayfield whenever I could. John & I had a "mini moon" right after we got married & stayed at the Pinehurst Inn- most definitely a treat that I hope to experience again some day! And that bookstore is the best, too! Have you guys eaten at the Wild Rice? It's incredible!

    1. Oh, we'll definitely have to check out Wild Rice! I've been past it many times, but we haven't been there. We're excited for Apple Fest this weekend!


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