
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Samuel's Dedication

Yes, I know it's been a decent while since I've posted. I feel bad about that. But guess what? I'm thiiiiiiis close to being finished with grad school! I just received an email from my advisor telling me that she thinks my thesis is well written. Can you hear my sigh of relief? Just a few minor changes and all will be complete. I submit the final piece on Monday. I can't even believe this is all coming to an end. I was telling Pete the other night that it just feels like I've been working on things and taking classes but that they weren't really pointing to anything in particular. Those feelings changed drastically when I went to the University last week to pick up my cap and gown and to order my hood. You better believe I'm attending the ceremony. For me, not attending would be like running a marathon without getting the t-shirt and medal at the end. It just wouldn't happen! So, Thursday, May 16 I'll suit up and walk my way across the graduation stage with my man in the crowd. I cannot wait. 

With the completion of grad school means something that I find fairly exciting. I am actually going to able to blog far more often! No more technical writing draining me of all desire to create a single sentence. Nope. The only writing I'll be doing is whatever writing I want to do. Not that I didn't enjoy writing my thesis and doing all the research. I have quite a strong passion about my topic of teaching high school reading (it just doesn't get the attention it needs), but I am ready to do what I want. I admit I feel a bit like a kid saying that. And that's okay.

Now on to the truly exciting part of this last week. On Sunday morning, our dear Samuel was dedicated at our church. It was a very important morning for all of us. Being dedicated is a lot like being baptized. We are committing to raise him to love Jesus and to learn what the Bible teaches. The difference is that a dedication is more like our commitment, allowing Sam to make the commitment for himself when he is older. At that time, he can be baptized, if he chooses to do so. Following Jesus has made an enormous impact on my life. I want to teach both of my children to know the Jesus I know, a Father who loves his children even more than I do. One reason we chose the name Samuel was from the life we saw Samuel of the Old Testament live. 1 Samuel 1:27-28 tells the story of Samuel being dedicated in the church. "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord."

Isn't he handsome? I couldn't resist putting a tie on him. He was so good during the dedication, which took place during one of the morning services. Many other little ones were dedicated at the same time, including our dear, dear friends' little boy Caleb. Caleb turned one yesterday. We're praying that our families will eventually move to Africa together. That's the plan for now But more on that later. (I need to add that to a list of future posts, now that I have the time.)

My sister took this photo while the rest of us were praying, revealing Ella's crazy antics. Oh, Ella.

I love this photo, taken by our friend Zaundia.

Following the service, we all headed to Clyde Iron, an old iron works building-turned-awesome restaurant in West Duluth. Fortunately, we were alone in a back area so the kids could run. And run they did. Someday I need to put a pedometer on Ella. That girl just runs and runs.

Becky, Maira, Malena

Sam loved being passed from person to person. He's such a good boy. Here he was enjoying eating puffs with Nana Olsen.

I couldn't resist making a special cake for my Sammy on his big day. The banner says "Samuel Thomas Amani, fearfully and wonderfully made." There are a couple verses that I often read for my sweet boy.

For you created my inmost being; 
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am 
fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13-14

My brother, Jake, took my camera for a while and got some fun shots.

Here's Malena.

I'm in love with this one of Ella and Auntie Becky.

And Maira dancing.

Then Sam got his hands on one of his favorite items: glasses. This time they were Uncle Jake's.

I had to be sure to get a few photos of Sammy with his godparents. Here he is with Uncle Jake and soon-to-be Auntie Valerie. (They're gettin' hitched May 31!)

Pete had a crazy morning on Sunday. He was called in for a c-section at 4am, and followed with rounds immediately afterward. He made it home right before the service, changed, and got to the church a few minutes before the dedication. He was silently paged during the dedication and left right away. I'm so thankful he was able to be there for the dedication! He was eventually able to join us at Clyde Iron.

Auntie Kathryn flew all the way from Richmond, Virginia to see her godson on his big day. He had a great time cuddling and laughing with her.

Sam with Pete's sisters, Kathryn and Kristin. They are the best aunties.

Here's the whole Olsen family!

Papa and Nana Scott. I just love these guys.

And this little guy loves his Nana. Can you see the tiredness in his eyes? It was a beautiful day, and we were blessed to share it with our family.

We love you, Samuel! We look forward to watching you grow, knowing that Jesus loves you like crazy. I know He's got big things planned for you, buddy!

1 comment:

  1. What a special day (and cake!)! I love the picture of Sammy looking up at Jake and Valerie.


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