
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Video: World Down Syndrome Day 2013

Thursday is World Down Syndrome Day. Why Thursday? Because every year people all over the world who have Down syndrome or love someone who does celebrate on March 21. There is great significance in the numbers that correlate with that day. Down syndrome occurs when there are three copies (instead of the typical two copies) of the 21st chromosome. Therefore, it's 3-21, or March 21.

We have been beautifully touched by our little man's diagnosis of Down syndrome. He has taught us so much in just 10 short months. In honor of Sam and his extra chromosome, I put together a video inspired by the International Down Syndrome Coalition and their "Who I Am" campaign. I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Oh Ang, I am teary and smiling at the same time. What a beautiful way to show the wonder and amazement of Sammy's life! My heart is melting over your little man. How I wish I could snuggle him right now!

  2. Thank you SO SO SO much for sharing this beautiful video with everyone. It was so wonderful to see!! Sam is growing up to be such a handsome little man. Some of the pictures remind me so much of Rowan :) Do you have anything special planned for World Down syndrome day? We would love to get together again...soon!
    Mackenzie Deel

  3. Okay, I just watched it again (to show Eli) and now I'm downright weeping. Sam is just the most beautiful little man and we are so grateful for him! We're so glad we have the privilege of watching him grow and are so excited to see how God will lead him! Love you all. So much.


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