
Friday, November 16, 2012

Mama's Home!

After one long week in the hospital, this mama is home. Such a relief. I had no idea I would need to stay so long, but my infection was tough to kick. Since my appendix had ruptured more than 24 hours before it was removed, there was a whole lot of yuckiness going on. In fact, and I'm kind of proud of this, my surgeon said that it was the ugliest appendix she had ever seen. Can I get a certificate with that?! Really, how many people can claim that prize?

 Every night in the hospital I spiked a pretty decent fever, which was the main reason I had to stay. We finally did another CT on Tuesday night to make sure nothing was still in there, but all was clear. Once I passed 24 hours without a fever, I was released with a pretty hefty dose of pain meds, antibiotics, and an attractive tube that continues to drain fluid from my belly. (No worries, I keep it hidden.) And now I heal.

having a little nerdy fun. beachbody makes our fitness programs.
 I've been ordered to basically do nothing at all until Thanksgiving. What?! How does a mama do that? This mama does it by having an incredible husband. Before I was even released, Pete had childcare and housekeeping help lined up. We've had a mountain of friends claim dates to drop of dinner and even a few, colorful bouquets of flowers have been delivered. I've been blown away by the kindness so many people are pouring out over us. It has made it possible to actually stay in bed and rest. And do a little Christmas shopping.

It's true. I'm taking advantage of this time in bed to search Etsy for Christmas gifts. This is something I love to do but never plan it early enough. I am so on top of it now! Ooo, I'll also tell you that there's going to be a fun appearance change for the blog. That's something I've wanted to do before heading off to Kenya but didn't know when I would be able to do it. Hello, opportunity!

ooo, mama's home!

Even though I'm confined to my bedroom, I'm making a list of things to do before this time is up. Fun things. I might have a friend pick up some felt so I can make a quiet book for Ella to take to Kenya. I'd also like to read a book and catch up on Sam's baby book. Wait, I'd like to start Sam's baby book. And I plan to watch lots of movies. I'm already doing well on that.

so happy to be back together
We want to send an enormous thank you to Nana & Papa Olsen who spent nearly an entire week with Ella & Sam after my surgery. I had no time to prepare anything ahead of time, so with Pete's help, they figured out everything the little ones needed with very little guidance. I cannot thank you enough, Nana & Papa!

Thank you so much for your prayers and kind thoughts. Please continue to pray that all this healing goodness stays on track. I really appreciate it!


  1. Love that last picture! That is one boy who is crazy in love with his momma! So sweet!

  2. I'm sorry you had to go through that! I hope it helped you rest up a bit and have some mom time : )

  3. And I love the pics of you and the kids - they love their mama!


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