
Friday, October 5, 2012

Sammy's Superheroes!

The day finally arrived. Even though I was super tired after two days of wedding catering (500 cupcakes & two multi-tier cakes) and a quick recognition of my own birthday, I woke up before my alarm. The capes were ironed, shirts set out, and snacks packed. We had been looking forward to the Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk for many weeks. I wanted to soak in every detail.

While Sam was taking his morning nap, I surprised Ella with her "Super Ella" costume, as she prefers to call it. First I gave her the gold sparkly shoes (from a thrift store in Wisconsin), then the tutu (made by mama and hidden in a bag until the big reveal), and finally the shirt and cape. Once the outfit was put on and paired with tights, Super Ella ran around the house, hands in the air, alternating between ballerina twirls and leaps off of furniture.

Next, Sam was dressed in his tiny onsie and cape, matching tights, and red socks. The boy was born to fly!

Daddy next. Daddy's costume was one part his everyday work clothes and one part Superman. I made a shirt for him to match Ella & Sam and attached a long cape to hang out his shirt. The glasses came from Uncle Jake. Personally, I think my man made a pretty hot superhero.

I had no idea what to do for my own costume. I'm not down to my pre-Sammy weight, so things I had on hand didn't fit. I ended up making a dress from a tank and blue fabric, putting on a cardigan, and tossing a cape over it all. It did the trick just fine.

Before heading to Canal Park to meet up with the rest of Sammy's Superheroes, we decorated the wagon with signs and ribbon, attached balloons to Sammy's stroller, and had a little chalk party in the front yard to fill the remaining time. Then we were off!

We arrived at the event filled with excitement. Music was pumping, bouncy houses were jumping, and kids were running everywhere!

Ella loves mascots. Look at Champ, my alma mater's Bulldog, sporting the Step Up t-shirt. So proud.

Teams had signs and matching t-shirts, but our capes seemed to set us apart from the rest of the crowd...until the Horns arrived.

Our dear friends Eli, Krista, and Caleb came in style.

The boys compared superhero notes.

And then the walk began! Daddy & Sammy led the way.

Ella helped Papa Scott with Luther.

And with Gracie.

And eventually Gracie took over Malena & Maira's stroller.

Ella's friend Ava got to be a part of our team! She was a little shy at this moment, but I think she had fun riding in her wagon with little brother, Oakley.

 Ella shared her wagon with cousin Malena for a little while.

Ang's cousin Megan had a turn to cuddle Sammy.

Look at all the people! We walked from the DECC to the Canal, along Lake Superior, and back. For most the walk, the weather was warmish and sunny.

In Canal Park we stopped to play a take a few pictures.

Here's part of our team. Not everyone made it into the picture. We had such a great time with everyone!

Daddy with his little superhero.

And mama with her superhero.

And two crazy superheroes together. (Pete may look short here, but he's 6'1". Eli is just that tall.)

My friends, we had an amazing day. I was overwhelmed with good emotions as we stood surrounded by crowds of people who are living with and loving on beautiful people with Down syndrome. I'm learning everyday that one extra special chromosome makes our world brighter.

We are so very, very thankful to all of you who supported Sammy's Superheroes. We never imagined we would reach $1,742. AMAZING!

Thank you to Eli & Krista for some of the great photos above!

Just because he's so darn cute, here's one more photo of our little superhero.


  1. I can't even stand how cute you all were down there! Sammy is blessed to have such a great family and a momma who works through her exhaustion to make his special day perfect.

  2. Awesome! Loved all the costumes and loved the last picture of Sammy.


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