
Thursday, October 18, 2012

In the Kitchen

Tonight I'm working on a cake that I think is going to be adorable. I'll just say that it's very pink, through and through. I've been lacking lately in posting photos of my cake creations for you. I'll see if I can fix that this weekend. Saturday and Sunday will be spent rewriting parts of my thesis, so I'll surely need a break from deep thinking. 

Along the lines of cake...but far a recipe I came across two or three months ago. It's a recipe for baked oatmeal I found on the Sugar Free Mom website. (I know, I know, it seems odd that I love anything with "sugar-free" in the title considering all the sugar I use in my cakes on a daily basis, but how else am I going to lose these baby pounds?) She has so many great recipes I want to try. I've made these countless times already. I usually make a double batch and freeze half for later. They are perfect for grabbing on the go (like when we wake up late and have to rush to get Ella to preschool on time). I like to make them with different mix-ins like blueberries or dried currents. The recipe can be found HERE. I recommend putting the mix-ins right in the batter rather than on top. Yum!

Now it's back to the pink cake! It's late (10:30pm) but this is one of my favorite times to work since I know I won't have little hands reaching across the table for pieces of fondant or jars of sprinkles. I can pop in a movie and work work work. Tonight I have The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which I've seen before. Pete & I saw it at our favorite theater downtown shortly after Sam was born. Very shortly, actually, since I remember still being on pain killers. I was very relaxed. It was lovely. But that's beside the point. Ha.

Most of my baking is done at the kitchen I rent downtown, but sometimes these really detailed fondant cakes need a lot of time, so they are brought home. 

I'll work on getting cake photos posted soon. In the meantime, enjoy the end of the week!


  1. So I was about to make these but realized they have banana in them which I don't like. Do you think I could leave it out?

  2. I would think they'll work without the banana. Let me know if you try it!


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