
Friday, September 7, 2012

Photo Friday: The Week on Instagram

I love using Instagram. It's a fun little photo app for smart phones that allows a user to take & share pictures with friends. I'm currently following a fun list of mamas who I find completely inspiring. One, they take creative photos. And two, they do really fun stuff with their kids, on their own, and with friends. Seeing their pictures actually inspires me to go on new adventures and enjoy little moments. I didn't even know you could share photos with friends on it until I was spending lots of time sitting next to Sam's crib in the NICU three months ago and somehow figured it out. If you're on Instagram, I'm cupoftea. I'd love to see your pics, too!

Ella loves when Dadddy gets to take her to school

hide & seek

Uncle Jake & the Sammy man

so in love

getting bigger!

In other amazing news, Sam had an appointment this week with the pediatric cardiologist. The doctor told us that Sam's heart looks great! Yay! We'll have one more appointment right before Christmas, and if things continue the way they are now, we'll be able to check cardiology appointments off our list for good. Many friends have been praying for our Sammy man's heart, so THANK YOU!!

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