
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Photo Friday: First Day of School!

My sweet baby girl has started school! We were all pretty excited as we counted down the days (remember the paper chain we made a couple weeks ago?), so when the big day finally arrived, we had things all in order. I mentioned that, after lots of searching, I found a backpack I knew Ella would love and ordered it from Paper and Polka Dots on Etsy. I wrapped it up and Pete & I gave it to her on Sunday night. She was so excited that she slept with it. I didn't mind a bit.

Monday morning, Miss Ella put on the dress we had set out the night before, slid a bow in her hair, and put on the new "running shoes" she insisted on wearing. At least they were the same color as the dress. After saying goodbye to Daddy, we both ate a big bowl of Cheerios, made a lunch to put in her owl backpack, and took the mandatory first-day-of-school photos. Then we were off!

I was so excited for everything Ella would be experiencing at school that it wasn't hard for me to drop her off. She's so social that she gave Sam and I a quick hug and kiss and ran into her classroom. The quiet time at home while she was away was a little harder than I had imagined. I have no doubt I'll get used to it, but when she's not with me I'm usually busily working on something. Monday morning was just quiet. So different. But it helps knowing that she's getting to do so much on her mornings away. This month she has school every day from 9-1. Beginning in September, she'll still go every day but the hours will be different. I'm still not exactly sure what they will be, but she'll come home before lunch. I'm glad. I've been missing our lunches together in the nook.

And now we're off! We'll be heading out the door in just a few minutes to make our way to Minneapolis for an annual family pig roast at my aunt and uncle's place. I'll also get to see a few friends and introduce them to Sam. I love showing off my little guy!

Have a lovely weekend!

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