
Monday, August 27, 2012

For Sale!

No, no! Not the baby! Ella was just getting a little excited with the price stickers last night. We're having a very special yard sale!

I've always wanted to have a yard sale. It reminds me so much of playing store with my sister when we were little. I loved playing store. So, about a month ago when I thought of the possibility of having a yard sale, I realized this is as good a time as any! And then I got a really fun idea. We can have a yard sale and put all of the money toward Sammy's Superheroes and the Step Up walk here in Duluth. Lovely!

My living room is now filled with great big moving boxes labeled with signs written in red permanent marker in my attempt to keep things organized. Baby clothes, household, kitchen, FREE, etc. Yes, there are certainly those few items that I don't feel I can ask to exchange for money. Everything else is pretty cheap. I hate making my way through a garage sale where things are priced comparably to what it would be new at the store. Seriously? Doesn't that sort of defeat the whole idea of a garage sale? I take it as a good sign that I've already run out of 25 and 50 cent stickers. I'll be swinging by Target later to pick up another package since I still have a huge bag of baby clothes to price.

I want to make this yard sale a bit like a party in our yard. I already have a string of bulbs hanging from our big tree. I'm going to buy balloons to attach to the lamp post by the street and hang bunting above the front door, just like I did for Ella's birthday. It's not your everyday yard sale, anyway. We're doing this to celebrate Sammy's Superheroes! The Little Yellow Kitchen will be selling cupcakes and donating all the money to the team. We'll also have a jar out for scattered donations along with a sign explaining the walk and Sammy's team. My mama (Nana Scott - a garage sale expert) will be helping all day Friday.

Yesterday Ella was helping me put price stickers on items while in her own garage sale find - this lovely princes dress. We were working away when Daddy came home from doing a c-section at work. As soon as he came through the door, Ella put her hand on her little hip and pointed to my mess, telling him, "Look at Mama's mess, Daddy. She made a biiiig mess." What?! She was tattling on me? It was too cute. I had to take a picture of her sassiness. 

So here are the details: Multi-Family Yard Sale for Sammy's Superheroes and Step Up for Down Syndrome in Duluth. Lots of boy/girl baby clothing, adult clothing, kitchen & household goods. Friday 8/31 and Saturday 9/1 from 9am-3pm. It will be postponed if there is a lot of rain. Location is right across from the old East High School. Look for the bright signs! Feel free to email me if you need more details or if you are in the area and happen to have a table or two we could borrow Thursday through Sunday. olsen.angela {at}

Thank you so much to those of you who have already made donations to Sammy's Superheroes or are starting to make plans to join us in Duluth on September 30 for the Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk! We're stepping closer to our goal of $1000!

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