
Monday, July 2, 2012

A Very Berry 3rd Birthday!

It's hard to believe that our lovely Miss Ella turned three last Monday. Three years? Really?! I'm not necessarily one who truly buys into the "where did that time go?" concept, just because I love thinking back over all the amazing adventures and memories we've had together. These three years have been very, very good.

To celebrate our Ella, we sent out Strawberry Shortcake invitations to a fairly short list of family and close friends. I love planning parties, but we've had a few other things going on lately. (Hello, Sammy!) Anyway, Ella chose Strawberry Shortcake when given the option of a few possible themes. I was thrilled that she made the choice because when I turned three nearly three decades ago, I also had a Strawberry Shortcake birthday party. (I promise I didn't influence her decision...much.)

The party was on Saturday morning, so Friday evening Ella helped me do a little decorating and baking. Before the big event, I had a few people ask what her cake would be, thinking it would be something elaborate and theme-based. Well, it aligned perfectly with the theme, but elaborate it was not. Ella and I made a simple shortcake recipe that was eventually paired with fresh whipped cream and strawberries. Delish.

Ella helping make her birthday cake

I found the shortcake recipe on I picked it based on its simplicity and the high number of positive reviews. So glad I did! It turned out perfectly.

After Ella was in bed, I sliced strawberries and made strawberry/marshmallow kabobs while watching the delightful French movie Romantics Anonymous. Yes, it was subtitled. I usually only try to watch subtitled movies when I can provide my full attention, but this one was so light and fun that I managed just fine. I really only like to watch movies while simultaneously working on other projects. (Except when watching with Pete. He insists on full attention. I've gotten used to that, but only with him.)

We made a really big deal of Ella's birthday on Saturday, even though her birthday was actually Monday. We got her out of bed, plopped her in ours, and sang Happy Birthday while presenting her with a pink-frosted donut. She absolutely loves donuts.

Then it was time for the party! I prepared nearly everything the night before, so there wasn't a whole lot to do on Saturday morning besides getting everything set out. We were blessed with gorgeous weather and plenty of shade in the front yard, so we spent the entire party outside.

After baking the shortcake on Friday night, I came across these cute, plastic containers in the storage room and thought they would be a fun way to eat cake. My Grandma Scott found them at a sale sometime last year. I cubed the cake the night before and then put a dallop of fresh whipped cream and strawberries on top immediately before serving it.

paper lanterns in the tree

the bunting I made for Ella's party last year

bubbles, chalk, sunscreen (usually on the counter by our back door)

Lila - Ella's little garden girl
the giant horse my mom found at a sale. a huge party hit
Caleb & Sammy
Miss Ella's cake

Cousin Maira liked the whipped cream

Papa Scott (my dad) & Pete

Nana Scott & Sammy

Mama Bex & Sammy
By the end of the party, Miss Ella had changed into her ladybug dance outfit (from a garage sale, worn for Halloween last year) and was performing in the front yard. Should I have expected anything else? She loves being on stage!

My dear, sweet Ella. I'm so in love with her. Even in the moments when she is asserting her incredibly strong will, I couldn't possibly love her more. That will is going to get her places someday. So will her sincerity and compassion. Three years old. Amazing.

I love you, My Ella.


  1. How fun! Love reading about your precious family!

  2. Looks like a perfect celebration! Wasn't celebrating 3 so fun?! They just love birthdays so much and love all the little special things!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Looks like a perfect celebration! Wasn't celebrating 3 so fun?! They just love birthdays so much and love all the little special things!


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