
Friday, July 20, 2012

Photo Friday: Must Be Summer

We've been out and about a lot in the last week. Sunday night we were at our friend's place to grill and the girls ended up in the pool while Sammy lounged on the deck.

A few days ago, Ella received a package of beautiful hair bows made by my very good friend, Bryn. Ella loves bows right now, which is good since she refuses to allow me to put her hair up in pigtails.

One of Ella's favorite books right now is "Ella Takes The Cake." When I found it online last fall, I couldn't resist ordering it for her. Ella is a little elephant whose mother is a baker. It's an entire series, but in this book, Ella takes a cake in her wagon to a party at a lighthouse. Adorable.

Sammy loves to cuddle on this blanket. I've had it since I was really little. I even took it to college and to Honduras. I hope it brings him as much comfort as it's brought me.

Ella had her first real scrape-up a couple days ago. She was running up the sidewalk in front of our house and wiped out. We knew it was only a matter of time before that happened. She's always running! She was pretty excited to have all the band-aids.

And finally, I was about to head down to Minneapolis to visit friends with the little ones for a few days when, right before hitting the interstate, we blew a tire. Amazingly, Pete was able to leave work to change it for us, but we ended up having to postpone our trip until we get new tires. Sad. 

A doctor on the ground changing a tire? Oh, yes. Right after he changed it, he put his dress shirt back on and returned to the clinic. What a guy. 

I was mesmerized by these stairs right next to the place we pulled off to have the tire changed. They led absolutely nowhere. I wonder what stories they hold.

I have so many things I want to write, but it's late. Typically, that wouldn't stop me on a night that Pete is on call. I'm terrible at going to bed at a decent hour when he's not home. Last night I was up until 1:30am making three sets of curtains, redecorating the living room mantle, watching a great documentary on the Chicago marathon, and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. So productive! But perhaps tonight I should make the responsible decision to go to bed before midnight. It sounds good, doesn't it? I just love getting things done, though!


  1. I chuckled through the whole last paragraph because I do the exact same thing! SO MUCH can be done when the kids are asleep, you're alone and the house is quiet!! It's so peaceful and inspiring. But then the next morning comes too soon! I still can't learn that lesson. :)

  2. Sammy reminds me of Pete in that first picture. The bows look cute on Ella! And I can't believe how much you get done at night! I am asleep so early haha...maybe something to do with not liking coffee? : )


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