
Friday, July 27, 2012

Photo Friday: A Hobbity Celebration

I was looking way back through some old posts I never published and came across these photos from nearly one entire year ago. My brother, Jake, was celebrating turning a quarter of a century and did so in unique style.

Enter...the Hobbit.

Hobbits come in all sizes. Here, Miss Malena Hobbit with her Uncle.

Hobbits are known for the large, hairy feet, yes?


 Ella Hobbit wanted the proper foot look, too.

The Mama Hobbit (yes, I got to be a hobbit, too) made these capes for Malena & Ella Hobbit the day of the party.

I also tried my hand at my second fondant cake. This entirely edible little hobbit house remains my favorite of all cakes I've made.

A celebration in the style of the hobbit is not complete without pipes and large mugs of beer, cheerful lighting and whimsical music. All was in abundance the night we celebrated Uncle Jake's 25th.

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