
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sammy's Homecoming

We've had a few amazing days since the homecoming of our sweet Sammy. I've had mulitple "is this for real?" moments, like Friday morning when I was gently rocking in the nursery glider with both of my little ones. Or this morning when all four of us cuddled in bed. It just feels so right to have all of us under one roof. We're complete. And that is good for my heart.

Sam's homecoming was a celebration. A quiet celebration, but a celebration all the same. We asked our dear friends Eli and Krista to join us for the evening. I dressed Ella in the Big Sis shirt I made a few weeks back, and Pete brought home a bouquet of blue balloons.


And then we were off to the hospital. Ella stayed at the house with Eli & Krista and their baby Caleb. Sam had to sit in his car seat for an hour and a half before we could take him home. That was to make sure he could breath well while sitting in it. He passed! We changed him into his going home outfit, the one we bought in case Ella had been a boy, delivered cupcakes to the incredible NICU staff, and headed out the door.

Sam's little corner in the back of the NICU
Before leaving the hospital, we made sure to swing over to the nursery to push the special green button. The button is pushed by the family after a baby is born. It plays a quiet lullaby throughout the entire building. I heard it play many times while I sat holding my boy in the NICU and smiled every time.

The painting surrounding the button is from a book "On The Day You Were Born," which is given to every family when a baby is born. The doctors and nurses sign the back few pages. I was giddy when we got our copy and excitedly showed it to Pete. He very sweetly smiled and told me he knew since he had signed many copies for other families. Silly me. Sometimes I forget that. It was just as special, all the same.

Sammy's first breath of fresh air
ready to go!
Ella didn't have an opportunity to meet her little brother before this special night, so it was a very big deal. We tried having her visit the NICU the day after he was born, but it was far too overwhelming and she hadn't been sleeping well, so we put the first meeting on hold. We wanted it to be memorable in a good way. I'm so glad we waited.

note the shoes & necklace she picked out herself

 we celebrated with a pint-size cake, sparkling cider, and pizza

These are a few treasured photos taken by Eli & Krista. 


  1. This brought tears to my eyes! What a perfect way to celebrate his homecoming! Love Ella's accessories! She looks so grown up all of a sudden! Let's get together when things are more settled for you!

  2. Awww, what an awesome big sister she is already! thanks for sharing your homecoming story!

    Blessings, Katja

  3. So sweet, but the pics of Ella holding her little bro are out of this world adorable!!!!
    much love,
    Nic and Anna

  4. Great post! I loved seeing all of the family pictures, and Ella meeting him. I am crying with happiness.


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