
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

And The Winner Is...

I feel awful since I said I would make the announcement on Monday, then Tuesday, and now it's Wednesday already! However, as I mentioned yesterday, the winner had been randomly selected on Monday, but I never had a chance to actually post the outcome. There were 14 comments (one didn't actually show up on the list and I added it as number 14), so I plugged that into the random number generator online and came up with...

Comment number 9. And comment number 9 came from Joy! Congrats, Joy! You'll be getting a box of fresh biscotti from The Little Yellow Kitchen, a handmade coffee cozy, and perhaps another little surprise. Send me an email or Facebook message with your address and I'll get your box to you as soon as possible! Thanks to all who entered our very first giveaway. It was fun to read all of your holiday traditions. I certainly got some ideas that I might be using in the future!

In other news, Miss Ella let me put her hair in pigtails yesterday! This was quite the accomplishment since she usually doesn't even let me put a bow in to keep the hair out of her eyes. I knew it wouldn't last, so I took lots of pictures. 

And within two hours (which was much longer than I had anticipated!) they were out. At least I have these pictures and the hope of what we may be able to achieve on a daily basis one day. Yes, one day, my little girl will let me do her hair. I'm looking forward to it.

1 comment:

We love comments! Thank you so much for sharing yours!