
Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Birthday Trip Up the Shore

The day before my birthday, Uncle Jake, Ella & I drove an hour & a half up the shore to one of my favorite places - Temperance River State Park. My parents were camping there for a week, so we went up to spend the afternoon with them.

Ella now refers to my parents as "Nana, Papa, Puppies." She loves the dogs.

Ella & Gracie
lovin' on Gracie
Nearly everything I got for my birthday this year has to do with baking. Oh, joy!

Ella took Uncle Jake on a walk using the dog leash.

I love this apron! My mom found it at a garage sale. Perfect in The Little Yellow Kitchen!

Heading out on a walk to the lake.

Gorgeous Temperance River.

Throwing rocks into Lake Superior.

We went up to Grand Marais (not far from the Canadian border) to have dinner at Sven & Ole's. Oh, Sven & Ole's. They have amazing pizza. Such a birthday dinner! And then we headed back to the camp site for s'mores. Yum. Yum. Yum.

More to come on the 30th birthday festivities!

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