
Friday, September 9, 2011

Photo Friday: The Minnesota State Fair

Mama Bex & the girls rode down with us

Ella loves her cousin Maira
the auntie loves her too!
the crew at the fair right before we met up with grandma & grandpa scott
I had to get over for a glimpse of Garrison Keillor on the MPR stage
Miss Malena
Ella showed off her dance moves while a band played
$1 all-you-can-drink milk. Always a favorite stop at the fair.

Grandma with the girlies - Malena & Ella (not sure what Ella was doing with her nose)
corn dog!
yum yum yum
a trip through the Little Farm Hands area
on your mark...get set...
feeding corn to the pretend chickens to collect their pretend eggs
Uncle Mike helping the girls plant their seeds
is there anything better than dirt?
Malena grew a pretend carrot!
catching the little one that nearly got away
Miss Ella with her Uncle Mike
pretty tired by the end of a long day at the fair
Baby Maira had the best seat in the house

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, all three of those girlies melt my heart with their cuteness! It was so fun to run into you all at the fair!


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