
Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Girly Got Hitched

My sister is married! Jenny & her HUSBAND Rob tied the knot in a small, court house ceremony yesterday afternoon & celebrated today with a big outdoor picnic. As my wedding gift, I provided the cupcakes. I'm so happy to add Rob to the crew of boys in the family. He's a great guy. Unfortunately, I didn't catch a photo of the entire family. They have two beautiful kiddos. Hailey is 3 1/2 and Wyatt is 5 months. Adorable!
As I write, I'm lying on the floor of a little hotel room in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Ella & I are traveling out to Keystone, Colorado for the next 10 days. All of my posts will be from my iPhone, so I can't do much about formatting. The posts will be simple & short, but it's my goal to get something up everyday. I've tried to make
That promise in the past & it hasn't quite panned out, so we'll see what happens this time. As long as we all undertand that they'll be simple posts, I might follow through on this one. Keep checking back to see how we do!
1 wedding cupcakes
2 the newlyweds, Rob & Jenny
3 happily smiling with my little sister
4 the original Scott girls & baby Maira

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