
Monday, July 26, 2010


Ella moves a whole lot faster than she did a few weeks ago. I need to let this settle in my head so that I stop doing silly things. For example, don't leave a cup of water anywhere within reach. Don't set a basket of freshly folded laundry in the middle of the living room floor. And definitely do not leave the refrigerator open even for a moment without supervision!

Sunday afternoon I made that mistake. I opened the fridge, turned around to grab something off the counter, and when I turned around again, what did I see? A little girl stealing a cupcake off the second shelf and smearing frosting across her lips. How is a mama supposed to react? Probably not by grabbing the camera, but that's exactly what this mama did. Really, it was so that I could let Pete see what his little girl had done (he was on call at the hospital) but I thought you might smile while watching it as well.

So here's to sugary frosting, making a grand mess in the kitchen, and loving little moments.


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