
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Goodbye, Ontario Street Apartment

It's moving day! We're all packed and ready to go. This is just a quick note so that I can say I wrote one last blog entry from the Minneapolis apartment. We'll miss this place. I took a little drive this morning around the neighborhood. Being the first Saturday morning after finals week, everything is very, very quiet. I dropped Ella off with Grandma & Grandpa Olsen at their hotel and then swung in to a nearby coffee shop to grab a frozen coffee for me and a cinnamon-sugar donut for Pete. Now we're loading the moving truck and will be heading up Interstate 35 in just a couple hours. We're thrilled to get into our new, blue house on the quiet, dead-end street and be away from the busyness of city life, but not without a fond farewell.

You were good to us, Ontario Street Apartment. Ella was only 6 days old when we first got to you. Late night feedings, first smiles, learning to crawl, and endless laughter. We'll visit you in the years ahead. Look for us as we slowly drive by, pointing out the window, reminding Ella of the memories she has here that she won't quite be able to remember on her own. We've got plenty of pictures. You're a part of us, Ontario Street Apartment. We will surely miss you.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the transition is going really well! I totally identify with the feelings of a little place that was home for a short while, but will be a part of your heart forever!


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