
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Got Milk?

I love how the most exciting things in Ella's world are not toys. She is incredibly interested in anything normal that can be used as a "child's play thing" (a great phrase from Toy Story that I couldn't help but use as I was thinking about toys). First it was an oatmeal container, which she still plays with nearly every day. She has spent hours, I would guess, sitting in her high chair playing with tubes of cake icing, plastic packages of noodles and measuring spoons while intently watching me wash dishes or bake. It's fun to imagine how she might see each object, completely new and unexplored. It's pretty exciting, really.

In these pictures, she was taking a little break while I cleaned the kitchen. She was having a great time with this milk jug. It's huge compared to her little self!

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