
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mama's Pie

Mama loves to make her pie. It's true. I love to bake. Pie is my latest adventure. I started after we went to Apple Fest in Bayfield, Wisconsin and returned with bags of fresh, tart apples. I inherited an incredible, yet simple, recipe for crust and apple pie from my mom and have put a couple variations together in the last few months. For Thanksgiving I made apple-blackberry. The flavors together are delicious.
This little addition isn't an apple pie at all, however. This is a Christmas pie of pear and fresh cranberries. I made a few mini pies to give to friends. It's dangerous around this house to make a full, 9-inch pie when you know you have to taste a little to make sure it turned out okay. What do you do with the rest of the pie? Hence, I make little pies. They're super cute and far less tempting. I have to say, though, that Pete is a huge help in the kitchen when it comes to taste tests.
As for this particular pie, I probably won't do it again unless I can find a better pear. The texture just isn't as good as an apple. It was a good experiment!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE to bake pie too! I totally dig the idea of cranberry and pear, you'll have to tell me if you come up with the perfect version! The apple blackberry sounds delish too! Yum!


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