
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

During the first week of October, Ella & I got to visit Grandma & Grandpa Olsen to celebrate Grandpa's birthday. During our visit, Ella got to try out a Jumperoo. Pete's godparents, the Parkers, let us borrow one to take back to Minneapolis. She absolutely loves it!

helping Grandpa celebrate
Grandpa & Grandma Olsen
Ella & Auntie Kristin
she loves the jumperoo!

First Hair Cut

Last week, before leaving Minneapolis to head up to Duluth, we decided that it was time for our little Ella to have her first hair cut. You may be wondering why on earth we would even consider it, since it appears that she has very little hair. However, if you take a look at the back of her head, you'll soon realize that she has a little patch that is growing much better than the rest. It's actually pretty cute. We called it her little rat tail. Pete held her still while sitting on the bed so I could very carefully trim the fine hair. It only took a couple snips, and we were finished. She did a great job!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

So I haven't had a chance to post an update lately or get any new pictures on. Pete has been studying like a mad man for his upcoming boards (October 16... prayers please!) so I haven't had much computer time. Instead, Ella and I have been out and about, trying to make the house a nice, quiet study spot for Pete. Last week we visited Grandma & Grandpa Scott in Pequot, Great-Grandma & Grandpa Scott in St. Cloud, Great-Grandpa & Grandma Johnson in Wadena, and spent some time with Jenny & Hailey and Becky & Malena (my sisters with their little girls). We also went to Bayfield, Wisconsin for Apple Fest on Sunday and got some fabulous pics of Ella at the orchard. Today, we headed west to visit Megan & Micah (a friend from elementary school and her little boy) in Waconia after a morning of exploring and leaf-gazing. The line-up for Tuesday is coffee with Shauna and the Science Museum in St. Paul with Jessica & Westin before packing up and driving to Marshield, Wisconsin for a couple days at Grandma & Grandpa Olsen's house. As I write this, I realize how busy we've been the last week! Lots of adventures. We'll post pics as soon as I have enough time on the computer, but I'm not committing to anything before Pete takes his test. At that time we'll be heading to Duluth for a three-week rotation, so I'll have more time to post.

Enjoy the fall colors! We certainly are!