
Saturday, July 25, 2009

One Month!

Ella is one month old today! It's amazing how quickly this month has passed. So much in our lives has changed. We've spent the last four weeks getting used to new schedules and ways of doing things. It's been fun just to spend so much time watching our little girl. She has certainly captured our hearts!

Friday, July 24, 2009

First Bottle

Ella had her first bottle today! She did very well taking the bottle from Pete. She was four weeks old as of yesterday, so we thought it would be a good time to try it. Of course, we fully recognize what this means... We can have a babysitter! I think it will make other outings a bit easier as well. And yes, she drank that bottle just like Daddy drinks: incredibly fast.

I experienced "a Mom moment" for the first time last night. After Pete got home from the hospital, I headed out to run some errands. Ella stayed home. While I was at Target, I saw another young woman who had a baby carrier in her cart. As she passed me, I turned to look at her baby who looked to be about the same age as Ella. Immediately, I missed my little girl. I wanted to skip the rest of my shopping and drive straight home. I had heard of this happening to other moms, but it was a first for me. Not that it will prevent me from running errands on my own in the future (I'm sure there will come a time when I will appreciate those solo shopping trips), but for now I'm taking my wee one along. This afternoon's destination: the grocery store.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

4th of July

Ella's first holiday! I couldn't resist getting a patriotic little dress for her to wear for the day. To celebrate, we went to St Anthony Main. There were lots of people and numerous bands playing along the street. At 10 they set off fireworks from Nicollet Island over the Mississippi River. They were fantastic! Ella was happily tucked in her car seat inside the Jeep and slept through the display while Pete and I sat on the hood to watch. We had a great time!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Going Home

We're catching up on pictures, so here are a few from our trip home from the hospital. It was all of eight blocks. Quite the trek! We got home Sunday afternoon and had to be ready for the moving truck on Wednesday morning. Fortunately, Pete's parents met us at our house. With Pete's RPAP final on Tuesday and my doctor's order not to do any packing or moving, we needed a lot of help. We definitely wouldn't have been ready in time for the move without Grandma & Grandpa Olsen's help! THANK YOU!

We successfully moved to Minneapolis on July 1. Settling is taking a while since we'd much rather spend the time with Ella exploring the city and the many walking paths. We'll eventually get out of boxes!

Ella's going-home outfit. She was already growing out of it!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


We had a lot of visitors during our stay in the hospital after Ella arrived. We loved sharing our little bundle with everyone! Here are pictures of a few of our visitors. (I'm sorry if you came and we didn't get a picture!)

Grandma Scott

Grandpa Scott
Westin & Jessica

Ang's Aunt/Godmother Julie (Auntie Bue!)

Dr. Jason's little girls

Dr. Jason (Pete's preceptor in Owatonna)

Uncle Jake (Ang's brother)

Matt, Kristi & Charlotte Florek

Charlotte was proud of her own baby, too.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Quick Update

It's finally time for an update! I apologize for not updating sooner, but things have been a bit on the busy side for our little family.

Ella is now 17 days old. The time is already going so quickly! We're completely in love with our little girl and all the things she does. I don't even know how many pictures we've taken already. A lot. We'll post them very soon.

When Ella was just 6 days old we made our big move to Minneapolis. Fortunately, we were able to hire movers to pick up our boxes and drop them off at the new place. We're still living out of those boxes. Soon enough we'll be out of them. It's just that we'd much rather spend time with Ella than unpack. We enjoy our new place very much. It's just a block from the Mississippi River, which provides great walking paths. We're surrounded by little shops and cafes and are just a block from the U of MN campus. We can actually see the new Gopher stadium from our front window! They'll be lots of fun outtings coming up.

Like I mentioned, I'll get the new pictures posted as soon as I find a few extra minutes. They'll include highlights of our stay in the hospital, visitors, the first days at home, Mommy & Daddy's anniversary (a picnic in Stillwater!), and many other firsts. Check back soon!