
Friday, April 17, 2009

Two Months Away!

That's right...just two more months till we hit our due date! Of course we do realize that Dino will decide when to arrive, but at least we have a goal date. My nesting urge is still strong. Pete is so patient with me. When I get home after school I have an incredible desire to clean and organize, but am often too tired. Instead, I sit in one place, look at what I'd like to organize, and get irritated. Last night was better. We worked together and did get a few things in order. I felt much better when I woke this morning, knowing that we're a little step closer to being ready.

Today's goal: order the car seat.


  1. Ang, Can't wait to meet Dino. Love to you and your patient husband, Mom. (or is that Grandma?)

  2. Small goals are a good thing. If you have too big of a to-do list, you'll only be frustrated when you are too tired to accomplish it all. Tomorrow's goal: be amazed at what your body (and God) are doing. What a miracle this little life is!


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